GHAD Documents
Santiago GHAD Next Steps and Assessment Survey
In September 2024, the GHAD Board of Directors requested that the GHAD Manager prepare a survey for property owners within the GHAD regarding opinions on another potential GHAD assessment.
The survey comprised 19 yes-no questions related to general information about the GHAD assessment, the recent grant funding application for which the GHAD applied, the most recently approved Engineer’s Report, and opinions on a potential future GHAD assessment.
Please feel free to contact the GHAD Board of Directors or the GHAD Manager (ENGEO) with any questions and ideas.
File Storage
Santiago Landslide Video
Anaheim Hills Planned Community Responsibilities
Arbitration between SGHAD and City of Anaheim
The arbitration hearing between the Santiago GHAD and the City of Anaheim was held on January 30, 2023. Documents related to the arbitration process and hearing, including the final award, are linked below.
GHAD’s Demand for Arbitration Letter to City of Anaheim
City of Anaheim’s Response to Arbitration Letter
GHAD’s Petition to Compel Arbitration with City of Anaheim
City of Anaheim’s Response to Petition to Compel Arbitration
GHAD’s Reply Brief for City of Anaheim’s Response to Petition to Compel Arbitration
City of Anaheim’s Response to GHAD’s Demand for Arbitration
Declaration of Uri Eliahu, ENGEO- GHAD Manager
City of Anaheim’s Opening Brief
Declaration of Michael Rubin, Attorney representing City of Anaheim
Public Knowledge Survey 2019
A public knowledge survey regarding the Santiago GHAD was hand-distributed to property owners within the Santiago GHAD on November 25, 2019. A hard copy of the survey was mailed to property owners who do not reside at the situs address within the GHAD, but own the property within the GHAD. Linked below is a copy of the survey.
Santiago GHAD Boundary Map
Santiago GHAD Assessment and Funding Timeline
FEMA Hazard Grant Mitigation Program Subapplication
As discussed at previous board meetings and informational workshops, the GHAD is seeking FEMA funding via CalOES to implement a long-term mitigation solution that reduces reliance dewatering facilities for the purpose of landslide stabilization. Some continued dewatering may be necessary for seepage management. The completed and anticipated timeline for this application is as follows:
May 9, 2023– Submitted Notice of Interest to receive funding for proposed mitigation project.
May 25, 2023– Notified by CalOES that Notice of Interest was accepted.
August 4, 2023– Submitted Subapplication to CalOES for proposed mitigation project.
August 11, 2023– Received RFI#1 from CalOES for proposed mitigation project.
August 16, 2023– Submitted responses to RFI#1 to CalOES.
August 30, 2023– Received RFI#2 from CalOES for proposed mitigation project.
September 7, 2023– Submitted responses to RFI#2 to CalOES.
April 2024– Notified by CalOES that the GHAD’s subapplication was waitlisted.
Early-mid 2025– Receive notice if CalOES/FEMA can award the GHAD’s proposed mitigation project from the waitlist.
Mid -to Late 2025– If funding is awarded, anticipated 100% design completion and construction kick-off for the long-term mitigation solution.
Mid- to Late 2026– If funding is awarded, anticipated construction completion of the long-term mitigation solution.
Army Corps of Engineers Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study Information
We have been notified that the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is conducting a Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) at Formerly Used Defense Site Former (FUDS) project at Irvine Park – Army Camp (MRS01 – Range Complex), FUDS Project # J09CA712901 which includes some parcels within the Santiago Geologic Hazard Abatement District (GHAD). The US Army Corps of Engineers completed a Site Inspection (SI) in 2011 and as a result it was decided to perform further site investigation under Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS). In order for the US Army Corps of Engineers to perform proper RI/FS in the area, they may seek permission to enter private property. If the USACE decides to conduct any investigation on parcels after obtaining the property owner’s permission, some soil samples (small amount) will be taken from undeveloped/un-landscaped area in their property. As indicated, the sampling will not be very intrusive. Below is more information regarding the US Army Corps of Engineers’ work in this area. The Santiago GHAD is providing this notification for information only and is not involved in any of the investigation activities.
GHAD Informational Event
Board Meetings
Regular Session
Thursday, February 13, 2024
6:00 p.m.
Oak Room
East Anaheim Community Center
8201 East Santa Ana Canyon Road
Anaheim, CA 92808
Via computer:
Meeting ID: 880 5371 9793
Passcode: 716952
Board Meeting Documents
Meeting agendas are posted 72 hours before the board meeting on this website and on the lamppost formerly labeled “59085D” on the east side of street on Williams Circle, near the intersection of Williams Circle and Serrano Avenue.
Board of Directors
During the 2022 election cycle, three Board of Director positions were eligible for election. Only one Director submitted candidacy for reelection and one property owner within the GHAD submitted candidacy for one of the positions, leaving one position vacant. The property owner rescinded candidacy, therefore, two positions were vacant leading up to the 2022 election. Since the number of candidates who applied was less than the number of eligible positions, only one director was appointed, and two positions remained vacant. Furthermore, since one candidate submitted and then rescinded candidacy, that position can only be filled by election in 2024, while the other position that did not receive any candidates can be appointed by the Orange County Board of Supervisors.
A board vacancy occurred on September 19, 2024, and can be filled by appointment by the GHAD Board of Directors within 60 days. Candidates interested in applying to the most recent vacancy can fill out an application included in the link below. The application deadline is October 30, 2024.
Santiago GHAD Notice of Vacancy and Application
Santiago GHAD Election Procedure for November 2024 can be found here.
Chair: James Guziak – term expires 2028
Alternate Chair: Hillard Kaplan – term expires 2026
Boardmember: Richard Farano – term expires 2028
Boardmember: Vacant – term expires 2026
Boardmember: Vacant- term expires 2026
GHAD Staff and Contractor
Clerk: Karen Holthe, Cardinal Property Management
Treasurer: Dave Fernandez, GHAD Treasurer, Inc.
Manager: Matt Swanson, ENGEO Incorporated
Well Maintenance Contractor: Merritt King, Charles King Company